El poema de Parmenides del siglo V a. C. es, ademas de uno de los pilares de la cultura occidental, un texto enigmatico que ha desafiado a todos sus interpretes durante mas de dos mil quinientos anos. A partir de un profundo conocimiento de la filologia...
This book is the first major re-imagining of both Jung and his work since the publication of the Red Book in 2009 -- and is the only serious assessment of them written by a classical scholar who understands the ancient Gnostic, Hermetic and alchemical...
This is the true story of Parmenides, Empedocles, and those like them: spiritual guides and experts in other states of consciousness, healers and interpreters of dreams, prophets and magicians who laid the foundation for the world we now live in. REALITY...
Rupert the Fearless is the greatest Knight to ever fight a Dragon. Or a Wizard. Or a hive of Western Mountain Trolls. Along with his trusty horse and his magical sword, Sir Rupert can brave the most dangerous villains and defeat the most majestic Dragons...