Esta cuidada edición presenta el mundo mágico de los famosísimos personajes de la literatura infantil finlandesa, los Mumin, unos troles blancos y narigudos, tiernos y divertidos, que disfrutan de todo tipo de aventuras con sus amigos...
Colección: Las Tres Edades; Nos Gusta Saber. Te has preguntado alguna vez;..por qué el corazón es el símbolo del amor?. ¿Quién fue san Valentín en realidad?. ¿Por qué se representa a Cupido...
Udalde Badiako hondartzak bainulariz beteta daude. Bat-batean, karelez kanpoko txalupa motordun bat gidatzen ari diren untxi zoroen talde batek izua sortu du haien gidatzeko modua dela eta.
Roald Dahl Funny Prize-winning author Philip Ardagh is the author of The Grunts and National Trust: The Secret Diary series. He is probably best known for his Grubtown Tales , but he is author of
Roald Dahl Funny Prize-winning author Philip Ardagh is the author of The Grunts and National Trust: The Secret Diary series. He is probably best known for his Grubtown Tales , but he is author of
Over the years, the Grunts have made more than a few enemies. But fortunately they're all safely behind bars. Or are they? There's been a prison break-out, and three of them are after REVENGE. It's time for the Grunts to go On the Run.. This...
Join author Philip Ardagh as he uncovers the story of young knight-to-be Tom Dashwood and his band of outlaws. From the pages of a 'Medieval manuscript', he stitches together a hilarious tale. Follow Tom as he first encounters the outlaws, read...
The new book in this superlatively silly series sees the gloriously grubby Grunt family head to a country fair so Mrs Grunt's mother can enter her homemade jam in the Preserves, Jams and Jellies Competition. There's nothing in that plan to suggest...
Mr Grunt's a man with a mission. He has to get a Person of Great Importance (or POGI) to someone called Mrs Bayliss by the twenty-fifth. Alive and well. And he can't tell anyone more than that, not even his lovely wife, Mrs Grunt, because there...