De acuerdo con la teoría política republicana, la libertad del pueblo como conjunto de personas requiere que estas estén públicamente protegidas contra el sometimiento o la dominación en el ejercicio de las libertades...
El politòleg i filòsof irlandès Philip Pettit exposa en aquesta obra el seu concepte de republicanisme entès com a teoria que recull la tradició de filòsofs de lantiguitat com ara Plató i que se...
Hobbesâs extreme political views have commanded so much attention that they have eclipsed his work on language and mind, and on reasoning, personhood, and group formation. But this work is of immense interest in itself, as Philip Pettit...
This approach to freedom starts from an account of what we mean by describing someone as a free subject; develops an argument as to what it is that makes someone free in that basic sense; and then goes on to derive the implications of the approach for...