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Libros de R. S. ... [et al.] Becker

  • Lo Que Verdaderamente Importa

    • 240 páginas
    • Las distracciones, que están por todas partes, son enemigas de nuestra felicidad, ya que nos impiden centrarnos en lo que realmente importa y nos sumergen en estados de ansiedad, estrés y frustración contante.
    16,00€ 15,20€
  • La Casa Minimalista

    • 240 páginas
    • El popular bloguero y autor de The More of Less nos enseña cómo transformar metódicamente nuestro hogar en un entorno de paz, serenidad y vida útil. Uno de los más influyentes defensores del minimalismo nos ofrece una...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Mochi Magic: 50 Traditional And Modern Recipes For The Japanese Treat

    • 192 páginas
    • Mochi — the traditional Japanese treat made of chewy rice dough — is a popular and versatile vehicle for all kinds of sweet and savory fillings, and easily molded into adorable shapes and characters that define Japan&ac...
    16,06€ 15,25€
  • Campaigning For Justice: Human Rights Advocacy In Practice

    • 330 páginas
    • Advocates within the human rights movement have had remarkable success establishing new..
    27,08€ 25,73€
  • Going Hollywood

    • Before Josh Becker made movies with some of the past giants of the silver screen like Anthony Quinn, Josh grew up making movies with some of the current giants of the silver screen, namely his childhood buddies Sam Raimi (of Spider-Man fame) and B-movie...
    18,83€ 17,89€
  • The Confessions Of A Shade-tree Mechanic

    • Roger Williams stumbles through adolescence with the aid of a few friends and his love for the automobile. At the end of college he hits the road to the West Coast in a rolled and tucked, convertible Pontiac, along route 66, over the Sierras to Berkeley...
    16,98€ 16,13€
  • Rushes

    • Josh Becker has been making movies since he was a teenager. His first film was made at age thirteen, and by 9th grade he was tackling Oedipus Rex with future cult-icon Bruce Campbell. Since then he has written and directed numerous short films, four featu...
    20,76€ 19,72€
  • All I Need To Know I Learned From My Cat

    • 144 páginas
    • In the years since we first published All I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat , with over 2 million copies in print and the fastest-selling book in WorkmanÕs history, one thing hasnÕt changedÑpeople are still starve...
    9,66€ 9,18€
  • The Dream Of America

    • This is the tale of Thomas Jadwin’s dream of America. The story occurs during the last half of the reign of England’s greatest monarch Elizabeth I and the first decades of her hand-picked successor James I. Thomasâ...
    13,30€ 12,64€
  • The Complete Guide To Low-budget Feature Filmmaking

    • Most books about film production assume that you have an idea and a script to shoot. Most screenwriting books are geared to how to write a script that you can sell to Hollywood (as though the authors of these books had the slightest clue) and do not take...
    19,84€ 18,85€
  • Dynamical Systems And Fractals

    • This study of chaos, fractals and complex dynamics is intended for anyone familiar with computers..
    80,41€ 76,39€
  • Kooperationsformen Somatischer Und Psychosomatischer Medizin

    • Die Zusammenarbeit der Psychosomatik mit anderen klinischen Fächern ist seit der Einführung des Faches eine der zentralen Entwicklungsaufgaben. Das Buch gibt aus interdisziplinärer Sicht eine realistische Darstellung bisheriger Kooperation....
    85,07€ 80,82€
  • Morphologie Der Papillae Fungiformes

    • Vorliegende Arbeit schließt an den Untersuchungen von Kunze (1969) über die Papilla filiformis des Menschen an, in der aufgrund der Anwesenheit und Art der Nervenendformationen gezeigt werden konnte, daß sie vornehmlich der Rezeption der...
    85,53€ 81,25€
  • 107,54€ 102,16€