In what should have been the prime of her life, a girl named Yi Ran came face to face with turmoil, suffering, helplessness, and struggle, but also stumbling across luck and opportunity. Despite bearing the mental scars and bruises from the turbulent days...
"Throughout the book, Parables of Milk and Might, the central theme presented is the inter-relationship between power and wealth and its influence on the political, economic, social and military development in the world. With power, wealth can be...
Inequality is not just about the size of our wallets. It is asocio-cultural order which, for most of us, reduces ourcapabilities to function as human beings, our health, our dignity, our sense of self, as well as our resources to act and participatein...
It covers the key aspects of the balanced scorecard, from using it to develop the company's strategy and relating it to existing control systems to setting goals and monitoring progress.