The Book of Psalms concludes with the verse, Let every soul praise God. Hallelujah." In Hebrew, the word "soul" is cognate to breath. The sages interpret the verse to mean, With every breath, praise God. One should have in mind to give thanks...
THE MOST DIFFICULT PAGE IS PAGE NUMBER ONEWe all know the feeling. A book looks interesting, inspiring, beneï¬cial even.. then something happens, and we put it down. That something is a distraction.THE ANTIDOTE IS MOTIVATION. While our live...
Modern physics has forever changed the way we view and understand physical reality. With a wide spectrum of theories, from general relativity to quantum mechanics, our conceptions of the very big and the very small are no longer intuitively obvious. Many...
As we move through life, we are constantly being addressed through both our normal and paranormal senses. Kabbalah teaches us that we can always benefit from these signals by adopting a dual strategy: the innocent path of simplicity together with the focu...
One of the most important contributions of Chasidut to Judaism has been in the realm of psychology. Chasidic teachings interpret and apply the myriad Kabbalistic metaphors to the realm of the human psyche and soul. Yet, for all the expansive analyses and...
Nearly 2000 years ago, the Zohar, the classic text of the Kabbalah, predicted that in our day and age - "beginning in the six-hundredth year of the sixth millenium" - revolutionary advances in secular knowledge would burst forth and flood the...
The Baâal Shem Tov, the 18th century founder of the Chassidic movement whose teachings are rooted in Kabbalah, revealed that any process of spiritual growth must proceed through three developmental changes in psychological attitude which...
According to Jewish mysticism, the souls of a husband and wife originate in the same undifferentiated spiritual essence. These souls are bound as one, and the purpose of marriage is to enable a couple to manifest this unity in the context of everyday life...
Finding your soulmate and living happily together are at one and the same time one of lifeâs greatest challenges and prospects. Together with its companion volume "The Mystery of Marriage," this book gives some of the deepest...
The body-mind connection is a well-documented fact in today's medical paradigm. Yet, long before recent scientific research uncovered this natural linkage, it was described in Kabbalistic healing manuals, with one important difference--there it was...
The profound and ancient teachings of Jewish mysticism - Kabbalah - speak of the urgent need to rectify the world, instructing us how to pick up the pieces of our shattered dreams and mend the tattered fabric of our lives, both as individuals and as activ...
Despite its apparent simplicity, the Hebrew alef-beit (alphabet) contains within it the deepest secrets of Creation. In this book, Rabbi Ginsburgh unveils before the modern English reader some of the infinite dimensions hidden beneath the surface of the...