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Libros de Raja Silverman

  • El Umbral Del Mundo Visible

    • 240 páginas
    • El umbral del mundo visible constituye un examen psicoanalítico del campo de visión, en el que la principal preocupación de Silverman es establecer lo que significa ver. Así, pone de manifiesto que nuestra mirada se ve siempre...
    24,50€ 23,28€
  • A Propósito De Godard

    • 320 páginas
    • Definido por sus autores como un "libro sobre parejas", "A propósito de Godard" no se parece a ningún otro volumen jamás publicado sobre la obra del cineasta más prominente de la modernidad. Con un espíritu...
    24,00€ 22,80€
  • Speaking About Godard

    • Probably the most prominent living filmmaker, and one of the foremost directors of the postwar..
    37,14€ 35,28€
  • The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice In Psychoanalysis And Cinema

    • ". a vitally new understanding that takes us from the terms of the representation of sexual..
    25,39€ 24,12€
  • Flesh Of My Flesh

    • 272 páginas
    • What is a woman? What is a man? How do they--and how should they--relate to each other? Does our..
    28,68€ 27,25€
  • World Spectators

    • 177 páginas
    • Combining phenomenology and psychoanalysis in highly innovative ways, this book seeks to undo the..
    24,18€ 22,97€
  • Threshold Of The Visible World

    • 264 páginas
    • The topic of love is consistantly neglected within literary theory. Here, Silverman argues that love has a political role to play as well as a role within the psychic domain.
    47,09€ 44,74€