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Libros de Richard Mark

  • Caridad

    • 152 páginas
    • Un exconvicto con dientes afilados como puñales, el Esqueleto Humano, un niño con cola, una contorsionista tatuada, un domador de lagartos gigantes, fantasmas huraños, borrachuzos insomnes y toda clase de pilluelos. Una colecció...
    21,50€ 20,42€
  • Ni?o Pez

    • 184 páginas
    22,40€ 21,28€
  • 16,90€ 16,06€
  • 22,00€ 20,90€
  • 47,41€ 45,04€
  • Meaning

    • Meaning brings together some of the most significant philosophical work on linguistic..
    136,86€ 130,02€
  • Charity

    • With Charity, Mark Richard again secures the distinction of poet laureate of the orphaned..
    14,37€ 13,65€
  • Fishboy

    • This lyrical novel by the acclaimed author of The Ice At the Bottom of the World is the story of a young boy who believes he has committed a murder. In an effort to escape his guilt, he stows away on a trawler only to learn that it is crewed by criminals...
    14,04€ 13,34€
  • 87,41€ 83,04€