Richard Wiseman nos acompaña en un viaje a través del fascinante mundo de la psicología, centrándose en aquellas investigaciones que hacen que la disciplina merezca la pena. La psicología nos revela el funcionamiento...
Para realizar un cambio efectivo y duradero en tu vida, no hace falta invertir mucho tiempo: puedes hacerlo en menos de un minuto. Gracias a sus investigaciones científicas, el psicólogo más innovador de la actualidad te proporciona...
The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution...
Richard Wiseman is Britain's only professor for the Public Understanding of Psychology and has an international reputation for his research into unusual areas, including deception, luck, humour and the paranormal. He is the author of the internationa...
POPULAR SCIENCE. Ever wondered why bad musicians always win the Eurovision Song Contest, or how incompetent politicians get elected? You need some Quirkology in your life. While other scientists beaver away on obvious problems, Richard Wiseman has been...
Almost a third of your whole life is spent asleep. Every night you close your eyes, become oblivious to your surroundings and waste hours flying, being chased or watching all your teeth fall out and then you wake up. What on earth is going on?
Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst other face repeated failure and sadness? Why do some find their perfect partner whilst others stagger from one broken relationship to the next? What enables some people to have successful careers whils...