Liburu erakargarri eta argi idatzitako honek mundu modernoaren sorrerari buruzko kontakizun bat dakarkigu, 1400etik gaur arteko tartea hartzen duena. Asiari, Afrikari eta Mundu Berriari buruzko ikerkuntzak ekarri duen jakintza berria erabiliz, Robert Mark...
The year was 2016. The culture wars were deepening, with no end in sight. As the marketplace of ideas faded further into memory, one writer tried to bring it back and succeeded.
Now in a new edition, this clearly written and engrossing book presents a global and environmental narrative of the origins of the modern world since 1400. Robert Marks constructs a story in which Asia, Africa, and the New World play major roles and point...
A pioneer in video game commentary, Robert B. Marks was one of the first - if not the first - video games issues columnists in the English language. In March 2015 he returned to take a fresh new look at video games and pop culture. Thought provoking, cont...
This clearly written and engrossing book presents a global narrative of the origins of the modern world from 1400 to the present. Unlike most studies, which assume that the "rise of the West" is the story of the coming of the modern world, this...