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Libros de Robert P. Crease

  • Los Científicos Y El Mundo

    • 352 páginas
    • ¿Cuándo un descubrimiento científico se convierte en un hecho ampliamente aceptado? ¿Por qué cuando se producen despiertan tanta controversia y son negados con facilidad? Robert P. Crease, filósofo e historiador...
    21,90€ 20,81€
  • El Prisma Y El Péndulo

    • 256 páginas
    • No hay ciencia sin observaciones, sin experimentos. Y sin embargo, son las teorías, y los teóricos los que más atención y popularidad consiguen. Precisamente por esto son necesarios libros como el del autor de este libro, en...
    15,90€ 15,11€
  • Making Physics: A Biography Of Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1946-1972

    • 434 páginas
    • Brookhaven National Laboratory was the first major national laboratory built for basic civilian research. From Nobel Prize-winning work in atomic physics to addressing community concerns over radiation leaks, the history of Brookhaven parallels the changi...
    45,02€ 42,77€
  • Quantum Moment

    • From multiverses and quantum leaps to Schrödingers cat and time travel, quantum mechanics has irreversibly shaped the popular imagination. Entertainers and writers from Lady Gaga to David Foster Wallace take advantage of its associations and nuances....
    21,62€ 20,54€
  • J. Robert Oppenheimer

    • 353 páginas
    • The late Abraham Pais, author of the award winning biography of Albert Einstein, Subtle is the Lord, here offers an illuminating portrait of another of his eminent colleagues, J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the most charismatic and enigmatic figures of...
    37,43€ 35,56€
  • Ten Great Equations That Shape The World

    • 256 páginas
    • Here are the stories of the ten most popular equations of all time as voted for by readers of
    11,28€ 10,72€
  • Philosophy Of Expertise

    • 432 páginas
    • From the use of expert testimony in the courtroom to the advice we rely on to solve key problems, expertise is an essential part of our decision-making process. This work draws on a variety of intellectual approaches to explore such issues as the justific...
    96,72€ 91,88€
  • Peace & War ôçô Reminiscences Of A Life On The Frontiers Of Science

    • 266 páginas
    • -- Donald J. Mrozek, Kansas State University, "European Security"
    78,58€ 74,65€