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Thinking Big: How the Evolution of Social Life Shaped the Human Mind

Robin Dunbar; Clive Gamble

Robin Dunbar; Clive Gamble

Detalles del libro


Detalles del libro

Autor/esRobin Dunbar; Clive Gamble
9,86 €
5 a 30 días
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When and how did the brains of our hominin ancestors become human minds? When and why did our...

Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-0-500-29382-9, son Clive Gamble y Robin Dunbar.

Otros libros de Dunbar, Robin son Amigos, Human Evolution: Our Brains And Behavior, The Science Of Love, How Many Friends Does One Person Need?: Dunbar's Number And Other Evolutionary Quirks y Human Evolutionary Psychology.

Otros libros de Gamble, Clive son Arqueología Básica, Settling The Earth, Origins And Revolutions, Origins And Revolutions y The Palaeolithic Societies Of Europe.

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