Con este volumen iniciamos la biblioteca Ross Macdonlad, donde será publicada toda su obra volumen a volumen. Lew Archer está lejos de su casa y con bastantes probabilidades de que lo incriminen en un homicidio. Un hombre del sur de Californ...
Galton kasuan, Lew Archer detektibeak Anthony Galton aurkitu behar du, hogei urte lehenago etxetik alde egin eta desagertutako gaztea. Orain Galtonen amak, heriotza hurbil baitu, semearekin baketu eta bere ondarea utzi nahi dio. Archer detektibeak susmo...
Alex Kincaids junge, hübsche Frau Dolly verschwindet in der Hochzeitsnacht. Ist sie vor ihm geflohen oder vor dem älteren Chuck Begley, der als Letzter mit ihr gesprochen hat? Lew Archer folgt ihrer Spur - und schon ist er in zwei Morde verstric...
Private detective Lew Archer challenges the power and ruthlessness of a wealthy oil dynasty responsible for a spill on the Southern California coast and linked to a missing girl, a six-figure ransom, and murder. Reprint. 12,500 first printing.
Phoebe Wycherly was missing two months before her wealthy father hired Archer to find her. That was plenty of time for a young girl who wanted to disappear to do so thoroughly--or for someone to make her disappear. Before he can find the Wycherly girl,...
Intended for the general student of the Indonesian language and the professional linguist, this short descriptive grammar is a useful guide as a well as a point of departure for more intensive study.
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