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Libros de Ruth Bader GINSBURG

  • Mis Propias Palabras

    • 410 páginas
    • Escrito en colaboración con las profesoras de Derecho Mary Hartnett y Wendy W. Williams, Mis propias palabras reúne los textos más significativos que la exmagistrada del Tribunal Supremo estadounidense e icono feminista Ruth Bader...
    29,90€ 28,41€
  • Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue: My Life's Work Fighting For A More Perfect Union

    • Ruth Bader Ginsburg's final book offers an intimate look at her extraordinary life and details..
    17,40€ 16,53€
  • Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue, Volume 2: A Life's Work Fighting For A More Perfect Union

    • Tracing the long history of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's work for gender equality and a "more..
    23,30€ 22,13€
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: In Her Own Words

    • 336 páginas
    • As one of only nine women in a class of 500 at Harvard Law School when she enrolled in 1956 and one
    9,64€ 9,16€
  • My Own Words

    • 400 páginas
    • The New York Times bestselling book from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg-"a comprehensive look inside her brilliantly analytical, entertainingly wry mind, revealing the fascinating life of one of our generation's most influential voices...
    19,33€ 18,37€
  • My Own Words

    • 400 páginas
    • The first book from Ruth Bader Ginsburg since becoming a Supreme Court Justice in 1993--a witty,..
    29,02€ 27,57€
  • Raising The Bar

    • Raising the Bar defines Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s contribution to American constitutional law through her efforts as professor, lawyer, and women’s rights advocate. Focusing on the years 1971 to 1980, it explores the decade...
    33,85€ 32,16€