Els marginats narra la perillosa aventura en què es veuen involucrats en Ponyboy i en Jhonny, dos adolescents de la ciutat de Tulsa, Oklahoma. Arran d?una dramàtica baralla entre dues bandes rivals, els socs i els greasers, tots dos hauran...
En Rusty-James, que es refia més dels punys que del cervell, té fama de ser el més dur dels nois de l'institut que volten pel barri d'en Benny. Però la societat encara és més dura. En Rusty-James voldria...
Ponyboy mutil gaztea New Yorkeko auzune batean bizi da. Dena kontrolpean duela uste du berak eta haren banda kideen eta benetako lagunen babesa ere du. Baina, gau batean beste banda batekin izandako borroka latz baten ondorioz, Ponyboyren bizitza kolokan...
Ninguén dixo que a vida fora fácil. Pero Ponyboy está bastante seguro de que ten todo controlado. Sabe que pode contar cos seus irmáns e cos seus amigos, os de verdade, sempre dispostos a facer calquera cousa por el. Os socs...
Arran d'una baralla entre dues bandes rivals, els socs i els greasers, que acaba dramàticament, Ponyboy i Johny s'han d'amagar i viure al marge de la llei. Casualment aleshores es troben amb un incendi en una església i, contra...
S.E. Hinton, author of "The Outsiders," was, and still is, one of the most popular and best-known writers of young adult fiction. "The Puppy Sister" is a touching story about a family and their new pet. Nick and his parents get more...
50 years of an iconic classic! The international bestseller and inspiration for a beloved movie--now with bonus content. Ponyboy can count on his brothers. And on his friends. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids...
The Outsiders is an outstanding story of teenage rebellion, written when the author was only 17 years old. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. Youngsters in a small Oklahoma town have split into two gangs, divided by money,...
From the author of the international bestseller The Outsiders  comes a "stylistically superb" novel that "packs a punch that will leave readers of any age reeling" (SLJ, starred review).  ...
This is the story of how the fifteen-year-old Tex grows up from the easygoing school-kid into a young adult. We see Texs growing awakening to the problems of life that face him and his 17-year-old brother Mason, as they struggle to survive on their...
Als 16-Jährige schrieb S. E. Hinton diesen Klassiker der Jugendliteratur, der allein in den USA eine Auflage von über 10 Mio. erreicht hat. Ponyboy, der 14-jährige Ich-Erzähler, ist unter seiner...
Der vierzehnjährige Ponyboy Curtis lebt allein mit seinen älteren Brüdern Soda und Darry, seit die Eltern bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen sind. Ponyboy ist ein Greaser - so nennen sich die Jugendlichen aus den Slums der Großst...
First published in 1967, S. E. Hinton's novel was an immediate phenomenon. Today, with more than eight million copies sold, The Outsiders continues to resonate with its powerful portrait of the bonds and boundaries of friendship.
The Greasers and the rich-kid Socs are at war on the Tulsa streets. Ponyboy, a fourteen-year-old brawler, chainsmoker and dreamer, is a fiercely loyal greaser. But a single, murderous catastrophe is to wrench him from his old life and overturn everything...