La obra Kanski, Oftalmología Clínica es una de las principales referencias internacionales en Oftalmología. Durante más de 30 años y a través de sus ocho ediciones, ha ido proporcionando a los especialistas en...
En esta obra encontramos las Máximas de Salomón más necesarias para vivir con acierto y sabiduría. Para facilitar su comprensión, cada Máxima va seguida de una Explicación y posteriormente de una Reflexi&oa...
In high-Andean Peru, Rapaz village maintains a temple to mountain beings who command water and weather. By examining the ritual practices and belief systems of an Andean community, this book provides students with rich understandings of unfamiliar religio...
Origen de los Demonios, Demonios Buenos y Malos, El poder de los Demonios. Jerarquía Completa de los Espíritus Infernales. Figuras del Diablo, sus Apariciones, y sus Representaciones más Notables. Historia de los Brujos, su Influencia...
For some, the idea of an Islamic state serves to fulfill aspirations for cultural sovereignty and new forms of ethical political practice. For others, it violates the proper domains of both religion and politics. Yet, while there has been much discussion...
Meanderings is a compilation of poetry, and short fiction which seldom stays rooted in reality. Be they wizards, dragons, soldiers, women of inspiration, creatures, animals, scoundrels, spirits, or heroes, both mighty, and fallen, all reside here. The...
The world of learning and teaching is at a watershed; confronted by challenges to previous educational models. One learning future lies in impactful, purposeful, active online activities, or e-tivities, that keep learners engaged, motivated, and participa...
Physical Security.- Viruses.- Worms.- Trojan Horses.- Examples of Malware.- Prevention and Defenses.- Network Security.- Authentication.- Spyware.- Identity Theft.- Privacy and Trust.- Elements Of Cryptography.
Data compression is one of the most important fields and tools in modern computing. From archiving data, to CD-ROMs, and from coding theory to image analysis, many facets of modern computing rely upon data compression. This book provides a comprehensive...