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In the fourth volume in the Why I Write series, the iconic Samuel Delany remembers fifty...
El autor de Of Solids and Surds: Notes for Noël Sturgeon, Marilyn Hacker, Josh Lukin, MIA Wolff, Bill Stribling, and Bob White, con isbn 978-0-300-25040-4, es Samuel R. Delany.
Compra el libro Of Solids and Surds: Notes for Noël Sturgeon, Marilyn Hacker, Josh Lukin, MIA Wolff, Bill Stribling, and Bob White junto con cualquiera de los libros en oferta de la selección que te proponemos y ahórrate los gastos de envío
El autor de Of Solids and Surds: Notes for Noël Sturgeon, Marilyn Hacker, Josh Lukin, MIA Wolff, Bill Stribling, and Bob White, con isbn 978-0-300-25040-4, es Samuel R. Delany.
Otros libros de Delany, Samuel R. son Occasional Views Volume 1: "more About Writing" And Other Essays, Dark Reflections, The Atheist In The Attic, Babel-17, Phallos: Enhanced And Revised Edition, Times Square Red, Times Square Blue, The Jewels Of Aptor y About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, And Five Interviews. Ver su bibliografía.