Swimsuit season is coming up! Better get beach-body ready! Work on those abs! Lift those butts! ...Um, or how about never mind to all that and just be a lump. Big Mushy Happy Lump! Sarah Andersen's... Leer más
El autor de Big Mushy Happy Lump: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection, con isbn 978-1-4494-7961-9, es Sarah Andersen, esta publicación tiene ciento veintiocho páginas.
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Neil Gaiman has long been inspired by ancient mythology in creating the fantastical realms of his fiction. Now he turns his attention back to the source, presenting a bravura rendition of the great northern tales. In Norse Mythology , Gaiman fashions prim
El autor de Big Mushy Happy Lump: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection, con isbn 978-1-4494-7961-9, es Sarah Andersen, esta publicación tiene ciento veintiocho páginas.
Otros libros de Andersen, Sarah son Colmillos, érase Una Vez Y Otras Mentiras, Sarah's Scribbles: Agenda 2020: Organizarse No Es Un Mito, Sarah's Scribbles: Agenda 2019: Organizarse No Es Un Mito, 2018 Calendario Sarah's Scribbles, Agenda Sarah's Scribbles: Organizarse No Es Un Mito, Sarah's Scribbles: Un Bicho Raro y Sarah's Scribbles: Un Bitxo Estrany. Ver su bibliografía.