La publicación del libro de S. B. Pomeroy sobre la mujer en el mundo grecorromano ha supuesto un giro copernicano en el ámbito de la historia social de la Antigüedad clásica y en el planteamiento de la Historia de la mujer como...
In 1660, at the age of thirteen, Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) began her study of butterfly metamorphosisâyears before any other scientist published an accurate description of the process. Later, Merian and her daughter ventured thous...
Using evidence from a wide array of sources, Sarah Pomeroy discusses women ranging from queens such as Arsinoë II and Cleopatra VII to Jewish slaves working on a Greek estate.
This is the first book-length examination of Spartan women, covering over a thousand years in the history of women from both the elite and lower classes. Classicist Sarah B. Pomeroy comprehensively analyzes ancient texts and archaeological evidence to...