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Libros de Sarah Roberts

  • ¡alguien Se Ha Tragado A Lola!

    • 32 páginas
    • Lola es una bolsa de plástico que flota desorientada en el mar. Varios animales se la intentan tragar hasta que una tortuga lo consigue. Lola se queda atascada en la garganta de la pobre tortuga, que nada asustada hasta alcanzar la playa.
    16,50€ 15,68€
  • Algú S'ha Empassat La Lina!

    • 32 páginas
    • Lina és una bossa de plàstic que sura desorientada en la mar. Diversos animals la hi intenten empassar fins que una tortuga ho aconsegueix. Lina es queda embussada en la gola de la pobra tortuga, que gens espantada fins a aconseguir la platj...
    5,95€ 5,65€
  • Somebody Swallowed Stanley

    • 32 páginas
    • "Plastic bags don't belong in the sea!". Everybody has a taste for Stanley, but he is no ordinary jellyfish. Mos
    7,63€ 7,25€
  • Joan Mitchell

    • 384 páginas
    • A sweeping retrospective exploring the oeuvre of an incandescent artist, revealing the ways that Mitchell expanded painting beyond Abstract Expressionism as well as the transatlantic contexts that shaped her
    61,66€ 58,58€
  • Just Ask

    • Don't you wish you could just ask someone how they got through a tough season or how they handled a certain situation in athletics or life. You can! Just Ask is dedicated to sharing people's stories so that you can get through yours. The Bible...
    12,56€ 11,94€
  • Love, Lies And Deceit

    • When Annie finally gets the chance to take her dream vacation to India, she expects nothing but peace and time spent exclusively on herself. In preparation for the trip, she communicates with a knowledgeable young man from Delhi. His name is Ashok, and...
    8,48€ 8,05€
  • His Sugar Baby

    • An ill child. A desperate mother. A man with money. Cathy Somerset is desperate. Her daughter needs
    15,46€ 14,69€
  • You And Your Hair

    • You and Your Hair is a masterclass book and comprehensive blueprint to managing and nurturing your Afro hair. Complete with the knowledge and guidance you need to know to maintain your hair, this master class explores the concept of healthy Afro-textured...
    16,03€ 15,23€
  • Rokula

    • Ding. Ding. Ding. The sound of the bell echoes in Drake "Roky" Rokmonov's head. For him it signals..
    16,39€ 15,57€
  • Perfect Homemade Baby Food: 151+ Recipes

    • The issue of a healthy diet has become of critical importance as the obesity rates in our country..
    9,28€ 8,81€