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(punto de recogida) Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 594, (Librería Hispano Americana)933 18 05 08
Multicentro Comercial El Trompo, Local P5A922 98 71 60
Calle José Franchy Roca, 13828 15 00 80
Av. Doctor Manuel Domínguez, 6951 02 05 02
C/ Marqués de Fontsanta, 6971 46 53 61
Av. Tres de Mayo, 71922 23 61 83
El autor de Angel Spells: The Enochian Occult Workbook of Charms, Seals, Talismans and Ciphers, con isbn 978-1-60611-164-2, es Sean Casteel.
Otros libros de Sean Casteel son Dulce Warriors: Aliens Battle For Earth's Domination, Tim R. Swartz's Big Book Of Incredible Alien Encounters: A Global Guide To Space Aliens, Interdimensional Beings And Ultra-terrestrials, Shirley Maclaine Meets The Pleiadians: Plus - The Amazing Flying Saucer Experiences Of Celebrities, Rock Stars And The Rich And Famous, The Final Nail In Your Coffin! - A Pox To All Of Mankind: Morgellons And Red Mercury "plagues" Created In Nwo Labs Of "mad Scientists", Andrew Croose Mad Scientist: The True Story Of The Real Doctor Frankenstein, The Ufo Repeaters - Seeing Is Believing - The Camera Doesn't Lie, The Bell Witch Project: Poltergeist - Ghosts - Exorcisms And The Supernatural In Early American History y "mad" Mollie - Brooklyn's Supernatural "saint": One Woman's Bout With Possession, Clairvoyance, Multiple Personalities, And Uncanny Predictions!. Ver su bibliografía.
El autor de Angel Spells: The Enochian Occult Workbook of Charms, Seals, Talismans and Ciphers, con isbn 978-1-60611-164-2, es Sean Casteel.
Otros libros de Sean Casteel son Dulce Warriors: Aliens Battle For Earth's Domination, Tim R. Swartz's Big Book Of Incredible Alien Encounters: A Global Guide To Space Aliens, Interdimensional Beings And Ultra-terrestrials, Shirley Maclaine Meets The Pleiadians: Plus - The Amazing Flying Saucer Experiences Of Celebrities, Rock Stars And The Rich And Famous, The Final Nail In Your Coffin! - A Pox To All Of Mankind: Morgellons And Red Mercury "plagues" Created In Nwo Labs Of "mad Scientists", Andrew Croose Mad Scientist: The True Story Of The Real Doctor Frankenstein, The Ufo Repeaters - Seeing Is Believing - The Camera Doesn't Lie, The Bell Witch Project: Poltergeist - Ghosts - Exorcisms And The Supernatural In Early American History y "mad" Mollie - Brooklyn's Supernatural "saint": One Woman's Bout With Possession, Clairvoyance, Multiple Personalities, And Uncanny Predictions!. Ver su bibliografía.