Amb aquestes 10 millors travesses a peu, Sergi Lara, un dels més experimentats guies professionals de muntanya, ens apropa, entre el bosc atlàntic i el mediterrani, entre el rocam calcari i el granític, a un espai natural que es mostr...
Con estas 10 mejores travesías a pie, Sergi Lara, uno de los más experimentados guías profesionales de montaña, nos acerca, entre el bosque atlántico y el mediterráneo, entre el roquedal calcáreo y el gran&...
The territory of Girona has been a crossroads of civilization throughout history. To discover the Girona Pyrenees and the Costa Brava there is no-one better than Sergi Lara (geographer, writer, photographer and a professional mountain guide), who has care...
La Sabiduría de la Vida? es un ensayo que recorre las facetas principales de la vida cotidiana del ser humano, como son las relaciones personales, la alimentación, el manejo del tiempo, la pedagogía o el control de las emociones, entr...
Muchos son los geógrafos o simples viajeros que consideran Córcega la isla más bonita y salvaje del mar Mediterráneo. Cuarta en tamaño, presenta la más alta concentración montañosa de todas, con un...
Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active...
En aquesta guia trobareu un recull de 15 itineraris que us permetran recórrer un dels destins turístics més importants del món, la Costa Brava. Algunes de les rutes que podreu resseguir són de Portbou a Llanç&agra...
The territory of Girona has been a crossroads of civilization throughout history. To discover the Girona Pyrenees and the Costa Brava there is no-one better than Sergi Lara (geographer, writer, photographer and a professional mountain guide), who has care...
Sergi Lara accompanies you through the most attractive landscapes of the Catalan coastline. Go along the walkways or the coastal paths in 230 kilometres of exceptional views. The crossing is divided into 10 stages with detailed maps and information about...
The territory of Girona has been a crossroads of civilization throughout history. To discover the Girona Pyrenees and the Costa Brava there is no-one better than Sergi Lara (geographer, writer, photographer and a professional mountain guide), who has care...
Sergi Lara les acompaña por los paisajes más atractivos de la costa catalana. Paseen por los caminos de ronda y por los senderos del litoral en 230 kilómetros de vistas excepcionales. La travesía se divide en 10 etapas con mapa...
The territory of Girona has been a crossroads of civilization throughout history. To discover the Girona Pyrenees and the Costa Brava there is no-one better than Sergi Lara (geographer, writer, photographer and a professional mountain guide), who has care...
The territory of Girona has been a crossroads of civilization throughout history. To discover the Girona Pyrenees and the Costa Brava there is no-one better than Sergi Lara (geographer, writer, photographer and a professional mountain guide), who has care...
Sergi Lara accompanies you through the most attractive landscapes of the Catalan coastline. Go along the walkways or the coastal paths in 230 kilometres of exceptional views. The crossing is divided into 10 stages with detailed maps and information about...
Los más variados paisajes hacen de la República Eslovaca un verdadero santuario para los amantes de la naturaleza. Desde las majestuosas cumbres de los Altos Tatras hasta los bosques de ribera del gran Danubio, la biodiversidad que descubre...
Te presentamos uno de los destinos montañeros más atractivos e interesantes de Europa: los montes Tatras, la mayor parte de los cuales se hallan sobre Eslovaquia. Su geografía deslumbrante y su indiscutibles atractivo cultural, hacen...
Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active...
Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active...
Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active...
Minorca, classed by the UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, is a jewel in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where the cultural and natural values have been especially well preserved. Together with Sergi Lara, a professional mountain guide who programs active...
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