Este libro es considerado un clásico, y el máximo exponente de las ideas y planteamientos del realizador ruso sobre el arte cinematográfico. Una obra imprescindible para todos los que se relacionan con el cine.
Sergei Eisensteinâs greatness lies not only in his films, such as Potemkin or Ivan the Terrible, or his contributions to the technique and art of the cinema but also in his contributions as a theoretician and philosopher of the art. This...
Sergei Eisensteinâs greatness lies not only in his films, such as Potemkin or Ivan the Terrible, or his contributions to the technique and art of the cinema but also in his contributions as a theoretician and philosopher of the art. This...
Reúne doce ensayos escritos entre 1928 y 1945 que muestran puntos clave tanto del desarrollo de la teoría fílmica del renombrado director soviético como, en particular, de su análisis del medio del cine sonoro. Incluye...