Yuki is Deaf and a typical college student, whose world revolves around her friends, social media, and the latest sales. But when a chance encounter on a train leads to her meeting friend-of-a-friend and fellow student Itsuomi, her world starts to widen.
El autor de A Sign of Affection 5, con isbn 978-1-64651-418-2, es Suu Morishita.
Otros libros de Morishita, Suu son Sm Daily Butterfly Nº 01 1,95, Signos De Afecto 02, Signos De Afecto, 1, Daily Butterfly Nº 01/12, Daily Butterfly Nº 12/12, Daily Butterfly Nº 11/12, Daily Butterfly Nº 10/12 y Daily Butterfly Nº 08/12 (ne). Ver su bibliografía.