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Libros de T. K. V. Desikachar

  • Yoga Sutra De Patanjali

    • 160 páginas
    • El yoga -literalmente, yugo o unión- es uno de los seisDarshanas, las corrientes clásicas de pensamientoemanadas de los Vedas, y por tanto su origen podemosremontarlo hasta las mismas fuentes de la espiritualidad de laindia. Los Yoga-Sutra...
    9,00€ 8,55€
  • Corazon Del Yoga

    • 244 páginas
    • The son of a great yogi teaches how to develop a personalized yoga practice. - A step-by-step..
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • 22,13€ 21,02€
  • Heart Of Yoga

    • 272 páginas
    • The first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according
    19,29€ 18,33€
  • Religiousness In Yoga

    • The value of the book lies in the author’s expertise in yogic theory and practice, the questions and responses of the students attending the course, and the many figures designed to facilitate understanding of yogic concepts and practice...
    99,74€ 94,75€