"Every elegant page projects Keller's high standard of âperfect culinary execution'. . This superb work is as much philosophical treatise as gorgeous cookbook."
The tastes of childhood have always been a touchstone for Thomas Keller, and in this dazzling amalgam of American and French baked goods, you'll find recipes for the beloved TKOs and Oh Ohs (Keller's takes on Oreos and Hostess's Ho Hos) and...
Bibliothekar, Volksbildner, Redakteur, Publizist und Historiker sind nur eine Auswahl der Berufsbezeichnungen, die Autoren von Biogrammen Emil Franzel zugeschrieben haben. Emil Franzels Lebensweg ist gekennzeichnet von Brüchen und Wandlungen. Geboren...
There is wonderment in cooking sous vide - in the ease and precision (salmon cooked at 123 degrees versus 120 degrees!) and the capacity to cook a piece of meat (or glaze carrots, or poach lobster) uniformly. This book shows us how sous vide, which in...
Presenting the finest in French bistro cookery, the celebrated chef and author of The French Laundry Cookbook introduces nearly 150 recipes that emphasize a variety of emblematic bistro dishes, including soupe l'oignon grantin e, steamed mussels, steak...
Thomas Keller, chef/proprieter of the French Laundry in the Napa ValleyÃ"the most exciting place to eat in the United States," wrote Ruth Reichl in The New York TimesÃis a wizard, a purist, a man obsessed with...