Kon-tiki fue el nombre de la balsa utilizada por el explorador noruego Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002) en su expedición de 1947 por el océano Pacífico desde Sudamérica hasta la Polinesia. El nombre de la embarcación se deb&ia...
The adventure of Thor Heyerdahl and his companions on their raft the Kon-Tiki has gone down in legend as a feat of endurance and courage. This is that story in his own words. Travelling across the Pacific ocean for 4,340 miles for 101 days on a wooden...
This is the story of how Thor Heyderdahl and five other men crossed the Pacific Ocean on a balsa-wood raft in an extraordinary bid to prove Heyderdahl's theory that the Polynesians undertook the same feat on such a craft over 1000 years ago.
Thor Heyerdahl is one of the greatest explorers of our day. At the age of 84 he has chosen to take a journey through his memories. This is not a chronological autobiography but rather an epic exploration of the world and the amazing events that Heyerdahl...