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Libros de Tim Ingold

  • La Cuerda De Las Generaciones

    • 208 páginas
    • Contra la visión dominante que concibe a cada generación como dueña exclusiva de su presente, separada de las anteriores y posteriores ("Generación Ahora"), el antropólogo Tim Ingold propone una alternativa:...
    12,95€ 12,30€
  • Correspondencias

    • 256 páginas
    • Vivimos en un mundo donde hay más seres que los humanos. Para que la vida pueda prosperar, debemos prestar atención a las señales que nos lanza este mundo, y responder con sensibilidad, juicio y esmero. Eso es lo que significa corresp...
    23,90€ 22,70€
  • Antropología: ¿por Qué Importa?

    • 136 páginas
    • «¿Cómo deberíamos vivir?» Con esta pregunta empieza Tim Ingold, uno de los pensadores vivos más originales y radicales, su impecable alegato en favor de una materia que, dañada por la guerra y el colonialismo...
    11,95€ 11,35€
  • Líneas

    • 256 páginas
    • ¿En qué se parecen caminar, tejer, observar, narrar, cantar, dibujar y escribir? La repuesta es que, de uno u otro modo, todo lo anterior se lleva a cabo a través de líneas. Visto así, la Historia entera es una lí...
    21,90€ 20,81€
  • Anthropology: Why It Matters

    • Humanity is at a crossroads. We face mounting inequality, escalating political violence, warring
    49,50€ 47,03€
  • Conversations With Tim Ingold

    • This book offers a comprehensive and accessible account of the work of Tim Ingold, one of the leading anthropologists of our time. Presented as a series of interviews conducted by three anthropologists from the University of Glasgow over a period of two...
    53,51€ 50,83€
  • Conversations With Tim Ingold

    • This book offers a comprehensive and accessible account of the work of Tim Ingold, one of the leading anthropologists of our time. Presented as a series of interviews conducted by three anthropologists from the University of Glasgow over a period of two...
    32,87€ 31,23€
  • Korrespondenzen

    • 240 páginas
    29,16€ 27,70€
  • 19,44€ 18,47€
  • 18,47€ 17,55€
  • The Perception Of The Environment

    • In this work Tim Ingold offers a persuasive new approach to understanding how human beings perceive their surroundings. He argues that what we are used to calling cultural variation consists, in the first place, of variations in skill. Neither innate nor...
    64,68€ 61,44€
  • Correspondences

    • We inhabit a world of more than humans. For life to flourish, we must listen to the calls this..
    19,99€ 18,99€
  • The Meanings Of Landscape

    • Compiling nine authoritative essays spanning an extensive academic career, author Kenneth R. Olwig presents explorations in landscape geography and architecture from an environmental humanities perspective. With influences from art, literature, theatre...
    240,85€ 228,81€
  • The Meanings Of Landscape

    • Compiling nine authoritative essays spanning an extensive academic career, author Kenneth R. Olwig presents explorations in landscape geography and architecture from an environmental humanities perspective. With influences from art, literature, theatre...
    73,07€ 69,42€
  • Anthropology: Why It Matters

    • Humanity is at a crossroads. We face mounting inequality, escalating political violence, warring
    12,81€ 12,17€
  • Biosocial Becomings: Integrating Social And Biological Anthropology

    • All human life unfolds within a matrix of relations, which are at once social and biological. Yet..
    110,65€ 105,11€
  • Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art And Architecture

    • 163 páginas
    • Making creates knowledge, builds environments and transforms lives. Anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture are all ways of making, and all are dedicated to exploring the conditions and potentials of human life. In this exciting book, Tim Ingold...
    52,37€ 49,76€
  • Creativity And Cultural Improvisation

    • There is no prepared script for social and cultural life. People work it out as they go along. Creativity and Cultural Improvisation casts fresh, anthropological eyes on the cultural sites of creativity that form part of our social matrix. The book explor...
    68,73€ 65,30€
  • Creativity And Cultural Improvisation

    • 320 páginas
    • There is no prepared script for social and cultural life. People work it out as they go along. Creativity and Cultural Improvisation casts fresh, anthropological eyes on the cultural sites of creativity that form part of our social matrix.
    179,05€ 170,09€
  • What Is An Animal?

    • This book offers a unique interdisciplinary challenge to assumptions about animals and animality deeply embedded in our own ways of thought, and at the same time exposes highly sensitive and largely unexplored aspects of the understanding of our common...
    89,68€ 85,20€