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Libros de Todd Strasser

  • La Ola: El Experimento Educativo Que Llegó Demasiado Lejos

    • 128 páginas
    • Parece ficción, pero es un hecho real. En 1969, en un instituto de California, un profesor puso en marcha el experimento educativo más controvertido de la Historia: creó un movimiento entre sus alumnos, al que bautizoL...
    17,90€ 17,00€
  • L'onada

    • 144 páginas
    • Parece ficción, pero es un hecho real. En 1969, en un instituto de California, un profesor puso en marcha el experimento educativo mas controvertido de la Historia: creó un movimiento entre sus alumnos, al que bautizo? La Ola, para ilustrar...
    17,90€ 17,00€
  • Abe Lincoln For Class President

    • When MAx has to use his friend’s computer to do a last minute President’s Day assignment, he accidentally triggers a time machine that brings Abraham Lincoln into the present!
    12,76€ 12,12€
  • Count Your Blessings

    • Watch your back.Kate Blessing may have made it to senior year, but being the boss of her family has taken its toll. With the cracks in the Blessing front starting to show, their weaknesses are becoming apparent. As Kate tries to keep their enemies at bay,...
    10,11€ 9,60€
  • 9,26€ 8,79€
  • The Wave

    • 136 páginas
    • This novel dramatizes an incident that took place in a California school in 1969. A teacher creates an experimental movement in his class to help students understand how people could have followed Hitler. The results are astounding. The highly disciplined...
    11,66€ 11,08€
  • The Accident

    • "Everyone’s been drinking. When Bobby invites Matt to drive to a ski house, Matt refuses. A fatal accident ensues and Chris, who has a reputation for drinking and dealing drugs, is immediately blamed. However, Matt is convinced there...
    9,35€ 8,88€
  • The Diving Bell

    • Culca longs to dive, but girls on her native take care of the men. The divers are essential to the survival of the village as the pearls and shells they gather are used for trading. All is not well, however. When Spanish ships full of gold sink in a storm...
    10,29€ 9,77€