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Libros de Tony Kushner

  • En Otras Palabras: Teatro De La Abadía

    • 330 páginas
    • Con motivo del 25.o aniversario del Teatro de La Abadía (1995-2020), publicamos estos cinco textos que exponen la genialidad y la calidad del registro de sus autores, así como su marcada vocación política. Herederos de una larg...
    26,00€ 24,70€
  • 14,12€ 13,42€
  • The Battle Of Britishness

    • Analyzing the history and memory of migrant journeys, covering not only the response of politicians and the public but also literary and artistic representations, then and now, Kushner’s volume sheds new light on the nature and construct...
    36,76€ 34,93€
  • Angels In America: A Gay Fantasia On National Themes: Revised And Complete Edition

    • 333 páginas
    • A revised and complete edition of this modern classic, featuring a new foreword from author Tony Kushner.
    19,29€ 18,33€
  • Anglo-jewry Since 1066

    • This is a study of the history and memory of Anglo-Jewry from medieval to the present. The particular focus is on the relationship between the local (in this case Hampshire), the national and the global.
    31,83€ 30,24€
  • Remembering Refugees

    • At a time of growing refugee crises across the modern world, this is the first book that examines how Britain remembers its past refugees, from the Huguenots through to the many groups who came in the twentieth century. It looks at how that memory has...
    28,20€ 26,79€
  • Bright Room Called Day

    • 96 páginas
    • A drama set in the last days of Weimar Germany examines a group of left-wing activists who realize they are losing to the Nazis.
    16,39€ 15,57€
  • Angels In America Millennium Approaches

    • 128 páginas
    • First performed in Britain at the National Theatre in January 1992, this play is written from a gay perspective and with an AIDS theme. The author is the award-winning writer of
    11,78€ 11,19€