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Libros de Tracey Corderoy

  • ¡solo Es Uno!

    • 29 páginas
    • Villadichosa era una ciudad perfecta, donde reinaba la amabilidad y la alegría. Hasta que un día uno de sus habitantes tiró un envoltorio al suelo. «¡Solo es uno!», pensó. Sin embargo, poco a poco, los habitan...
    18,00€ 17,10€
  • 14,96€ 14,21€
  • Bat Baino Ez Da

    • 32 páginas
    • Eguzkibar hiri ezin hobea zen, adeitasuna eta poza nagusi ziren lekua. Egun batean biztanle batek bilgarri bat lurrera bota zuen arte. «Bat baino ez da!», pentsatu zuen. Baina, pixkanaka, biztanleek jokabidea aldatu zuten, gainerakoekiko axola...
    17,50€ 16,63€
  • No Ve D'una!

    • 28 páginas
    • Vilabonica era un poble encantador. Fins que en Rino va tirar a terra un embolcall de caramel.. Que passa? Només és un paper! Totes les accions, per petites que siguin, compten!
    16,50€ 15,68€
  • 6,03€ 5,73€
  • Marmar Eta Karkar. Nahaste Borrastea!

    • 96 páginas
    • Zatoz eta primeran pasako duzu zinemara egiten duten bidaia zaporetsuan, bisitari beldurgarri bati aurre egiten diotenean eta eskolan sagu bihurtzen direnean!
    10,00€ 9,50€
  • 12,48€ 11,86€
  • 13,00€ 12,35€
  • 12,90€ 12,25€
  • 12,79€ 12,15€
  • Faules Il.lustrades. Un Pollet Trapella

    • 34 páginas
    • Colección: Faules Il.lustrades. Edad Recomendada: A partir de 5 años
    4,95€ 4,70€
  • Fábulas Ilustradas. Un Pollito Travieso

    • 34 páginas
    • Pásalo en grande leyendo la historia del travieso pollito Teo y disfruta de las bellas ilustraciones en este tierno y constructivo libro.
    6,95€ 6,60€
  • 12,48€ 11,86€
  • Shifty Mcgifty And Slippery Sam: The Aliens Are Coming!

    • 128 páginas
    • Tracey Corderoy (Author) . Tracey began writing in 2006. She lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her family and a whole host of cute-but-naughty pets. Steven Lenton (Illustrator) . Steven hails from Cheshire...
    9,24€ 8,77€
  • Little Penguin Lost

    • 28 páginas
    • When Plip loses his favourite toy, he is so upset that he runs off on his own to search for it in the snowy storm!
    5,94€ 5,64€
  • Shifty Mcgifty And Slippery Sam: The Missing Masterpiece

    • 32 páginas
    • Tracey was born and grew up in industrial South Wales and now lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her husband, two children and an ever-increasing menagerie of devilishly-cute-but-sometimes-rather-
    8,44€ 8,02€
  • Shifty Mcgifty And Slippery Sam: Up, Up And Away!

    • 128 páginas
    • Tracey Corderoy (Author) . Tracey began writing in 2006. She lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her family and a whole host of cute-but-naughty pets. Steven Lenton (Illustrator) . Steven hails from Cheshire...
    7,50€ 7,12€
  • Now!

    • 32 páginas
    • Archies back! And hes finding waiting a little bit hard. There are SO many fun things to do from filling his paddling pool to going on holiday. The problem is, he just cant wait! Archie wants to do everything . . NOW!
    7,63€ 7,25€
  • Hubble Bubble: The Wacky Winter Wonderland

    • 128 páginas
    • Tracey was born and grew up in industrial South Wales and now lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her husband, two children and an ever-increasing menagerie of devilishly-cute-but-sometimes-rather-nau
    7,56€ 7,18€
  • Spells-a-popping Granny's Shopping

    • 32 páginas
    • Tracey was born and grew up in industrial South Wales and now lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her husband, two children and an ever-increasing menagerie of devilishly-cute-but-sometimes-rather-nau
    7,69€ 7,30€