Quickly and easily discover the meanings of words used by the original Bible authors in this compact volume with thousands of Greek and Hebrew words in one continuous A-to-Z listing.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Esta obra le permite al estudiante con poco o mucho conocimiento del hebreo o del griego, estudiar el significado de las palabras bíblicas en su idioma original.
Creado por W.E. Vine, el autor del diccionario expositivo mas utilizado en el mundo. Con este libro es muy facil "aprender por si solo". Es para aquellos que no tienen conocimiento previo del lenguaje griego. Disenado especialmente para principiantes,...
A great resource for students, pastors, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies. Easy-to-use edition of the best-selling classic. Offers fast access to thousands of biblical word definitions.