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Social Class and the Treatment of Alcoholism: An investigation of social class as a determinant of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, Wolfgang Schmidt
Social Class and the Treatment of Alcoholism: An investigation of social class as a determinant of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries alcoholism was seen largely as a vice of the...
El autor de Social Class and the Treatment of Alcoholism: An investigation of social class as a determinant of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, con isbn 978-1-4875-8224-1, es Wolfgang Schmidt.
El autor de Social Class and the Treatment of Alcoholism: An investigation of social class as a determinant of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, con isbn 978-1-4875-8224-1, es Wolfgang Schmidt.
Otros libros de Schmidt, Wolfgang son Pequeño Atlas De Reptiles, Collection Planète Ados - Diaporama D'histoire + Cd, Dolores De Espalda : Como Prevenir Y Tratar, Voyage Sans Fin, Chamöleons, Drachen Unserer Zeit, Wolf Graf Von Baudissin 1907 Bis 1993, Kornnattern y Rhacodactylus Ciliatus Und Auriculatus.