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Libros de Wolfram (von Eschenbach)

  • Parzival

    • Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival. Vollständige Ausgabe der 16 Bücher in der Übersetzung von Karl SimrockEntstanden vermutlich 1200-1210. Hier in der Übersetzung von Karl SimrockVollständige Neuausgabe.Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria...
    67,70€ 64,32€
  • Parzival: Wolfram Von Eschenbach

    • 261 páginas
    • Parzival, an Arthurian romance completed by Wolfram von Eschenbach in the first years of the thirteenth century, is one of the foremost works of German literature and a classic that can stand with the great masterpieces of the world. The most important...
    64,10€ 60,89€
  • Parzival

    • 1440 páginas
    • Der Parzival ist mit seinem Gegen- und Ineinander von Artuswelt und Gralssuche der wohl tiefsinnigste und faszinierendste höfische Roman des deutschen Mittelalters. Band 1 enthält die Bücher 1-8, Band 2 die Bücher 8-16.
    21,38€ 20,31€
  • Parzival And Titurel

    • 464 páginas
    • Vast in its scope, incomparably dense in its imagery, Parzival ranks alongside Dante's Divine Comedy as one of the foremost narrative works to emerge from medieval Europe. Written in the first decade of the thirteenth century, Parzival is the greatest...
    14,46€ 13,73€
  • Parzival (auswahl)

    • 168 páginas
    6,42€ 6,10€
  • Parzival, With Titurel And The Love-lyrics

    • 372 páginas
    • Wolfram's Parzival continues to inspire and influence, in modern times works as diverse as Wagner's Parsifal and Lohengrin, Franz Kafka's The Castle, Terry Gilliam's film The Fisher King, and Umberto Eco's Baudolino.
    156,69€ 148,85€
  • Parzival

    • 831 páginas
    • The second edition of the 'Parzival' (ca. 1200/1210) continues to offer the authorative text according to Karl Lachmann and the excellent translation of Peter Knecht.
    42,08€ 39,97€
  • Willehalm

    • 320 páginas
    • Wolfram von Eschenbach (fl. c. 1195-1225), best known as the author of Parzival,..
    17,41€ 16,54€