An illustrated companion to Yanko Tsvetkovâs best-selling fairy tale series Apophenia , credited to his artistic alter-ego Alphadesigner , The Schmetterschwanz Manuscript is a daring experiment in surrealist world building in the traditi...
A tyrannical queen rules the island of Severia with an iron fist, while her loyal vizierienne is determined to persuade her that in the art of government and politics, it is better to be loved than feared.The steaks are high. Those who challenge the views...
A tyrannical queen rules the island of Severia with an iron fist, while her loyal vizierienne is determined to persuade her that in the art of government and politics, it is better to be loved than feared.
Enter a whimsical realm of gender-fluid deities, leprechauns in distress, shape-shifting cyber insects, scorpions that hatch out of broken human hearts, and sea monsters that make entire planets spin backwards.
Enter a whimsical realm of gender-fluid deities, leprechauns in distress, shape-shifting cyber insects, scorpions that hatch out of broken human hearts, and sea monsters that make entire planets spin backwards.
More than a hundred stereotype maps glazed with exquisite human prejudice collected by Yanko Tsvetkov, author of the viral Mapping Stereotypes project. Peppered with hilarious essays, the atlas is a satirical encyclopedia of humankind's delusional...
More than a hundred stereotype maps glazed with exquisite human prejudice collected by Yanko Tsvetkov, author of the viral Mapping Stereotypes project. Peppered with hilarious essays, the atlas is a satirical encyclopedia of humankind's delusional...