Based on the stage drama "Project YoRHa," YoRHA Boys recounts events that occurred before the beginning of the post-apocalyptic action role-playing game NieR:Automata . Written by bestselling novelist Jun Eishima, supervised by NieR:Automata...
When alien forces invade with an army of Machines, the remnants of humanity must depend on Androids of their own design-the placid 2B and the excitable 9S-to survive.
From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..
Eines Tages hat Alice einen komischen Traum indem sie zwei komischen Puppen begegnet, die sie Fragen was sie sich von ihrem Leben wünscht. Zu ihrem Unglück weiß sie nicht, dass ihre Antwort ihr Leben komplett auf den Kopf stellen wird....
From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..