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Split pages allow readers to mix and match something from the cupboards at home with special places; the combinations can be very funny. Would you like a rubber duck in your lemonade? Or milk on your... Leer más
El autor de Ketchup on Your Cornflakes?, con isbn 978-0-439-95064-0, es Nick Sharratt, esta publicación tiene veinticuatro páginas.
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Un libro estupendo para trabajar la estructura "Do you like...?" con el alumnado de una manera amena y divertida, ¡muy recomendable!
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Timothy Pope has a brand new telescope and he's testing it out at the park. Peep through the die-cut holes in this book to see if you can spy a shark. Is that really a shark? Turn the page and find out . .
The Rainbow Fish, with his shimmering scales, is the most beautiful fish in the ocean. But he is proud and vain and none of the other fish want to be his friend - until he learns to give away some of his most prized possessions.
A FIN-TASTIC festive story in this bestselling series! . Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope looks again through his telescope. . As snowflakes fall without a sound, he looks left, he looks right, he looks all around. . Wait, is that a SHARK?
El autor de Ketchup on Your Cornflakes?, con isbn 978-0-439-95064-0, es Nick Sharratt, esta publicación tiene veinticuatro páginas.
Otros libros de Sharratt, Nick son Tú Eliges. Una Historia Nueva Cada Vez. ¿cuál Es La Tuya?, Veo, Veo Una Cosa De Color ...azul, Veig, Veig Una Cosa De Color . . .blau, Moo-cow Kung-fu-cow, Octopus Socktopus, Nice Work For The Cat And The King, Supermarket Zoopermarket y The Big Book Of Magical Mix-ups. Ver su bibliografía.