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Collaborate Level 2 Student's Book English for Spanish Speakers (9788490360965)

Guy Brook-Hart; Claire Thacker; Stuart Cochrane; Lucy Passmore; Susan Hutchison

Guy Brook-Hart; Claire Thacker; Stuart Cochrane; Lucy Passmore; Susan Hutchison

Detalles del libro

EditorialCambridge University Press
Edición ed. (31/05/2019)
Dimensiones28x22 cm
EncuadernaciónTapa blanda

Detalles del libro

Autor/esGuy Brook-Hart; Claire Thacker; Stuart Cochrane; Lucy Passmore; Susan Hutchison
EditorialCambridge University Press
Edición1ª ed. (31/05/2019)
Dimensiones28x22 cm
EncuadernaciónTapa blanda
40,45 €
1 a 15 días
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Turn on the power of we! Collaborate is an innovative secondary course that will help you and your students take an important step towards creating a collaborative and positive environment in the... Leer más

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Otros libros de Thacker, Claire son Collaborate Level 2 Andalusia Pack (student’s Book And Andalusia Booklet) English For Spanish Speakers, Collaborate Level 3 Andalusia Pack (student's Book And Andalusia Booklet) English For Spanish Speakers, Collaborate Level 4 Project Book English For Spanish Speakers, Collaborate Level 3 Project Book English For Spanish Speakers, Collaborate Level 1 Project Book English For Spanish Speakers, Shape The Future. Workbook. Level 2, Collaborate Level 1 Student's Book English For Spanish Speakers y Collaborate Level 2 Teacher's Project Book. Ver su bibliografía.

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Otra información de interés

  • Portada: Collaborate Level 2 Student's Book English for Spanish Speakers, Cambridge University Press
  • Editorial: Cambridge University Press | 31/05/2019
  • Sinopsis:

    Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-84-9036-096-5, son Claire Thacker, Stuart Cochrane, Lucy Passmore, Susan Hutchison y Guy Brook-hart, esta publicación tiene ciento cuarenta y cuatro páginas.

Collaborate Level 2 Student's Book English for Spanish Speakers