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Lonely Lovers: Conception (Ebook)

Detalles del libro

EditorialAngela Turing

Detalles del libro

EditorialAngela Turing
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"Lonely Lovers: Conception (Ebook)"

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In the realm of exhibitionism, how far is too far?

A young woman starts off the evening in her favorite cafe, and dares herself to remove her clothes, and masturbate until she reaches orgasm. The problem is that she knows a majority of the patrons, and she has never had the nerve to fulfill this fantasy before. After her clothes are off, and the body of a male customer is swaying freely, stroking himself next to her, she realizes that tonight, she has started something exceptional. Little does she know, that when her long time crush shows up to the shop, the entire tone of the evening turns... Leer más

El autor de Lonely Lovers: Conception (Ebook), con isbn 978-1-311-79519-9, es Angela Turing.

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