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The Serpent and its Priest (Ebook)

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EditorialCodex Regius

Detalles del libro

EditorialCodex Regius
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"The Serpent and its Priest (Ebook)"

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His mind would never settle with petty aims. He always saw the greater thing.

1850 years ago, when scientific thinking was on decline and religious fundamentalism winning over, Alexandros, a little quack, turned himself into high priest and guru of the demonic Glycon, a puppet on strings that he had made into a god to deceive the masses and relieve them of their money.

The report, written by Lucian of Samosata who exposed the deceiver with analytic deduction, is the oldest preserved essay on the war, still undecided, between scepticism and superstition.

A new annotated translation of... Leer más

El autor de The Serpent and its Priest (Ebook), con isbn 978-3-9592645-1-8, es Codex Regius.

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