This book is as if it were a ten rose petals. The authors of each of the petals are very excited to offer the reader a work cultivated with love and care with the aim of providing a practical view of the nueropsicopedagógica intervention. The garde...
The book in your hands is a miscellany of diverse contributions. We have grouped them into two parts. In the first, there is a set of eminently academic texts - many of them, but, thought for the occasion. In the second, a set of texts evocative of the...
About 5,000 years ago, a community was established in the plan of San Cosme, in the town of Sant Joan les Fonts, in the Garrotxa. The preservers of this settlement form what is now known as the Prunera archaeological site.\n\nIn this book the results of...
La donació al Museu d?Arqueologia de Catalunya d?una amplia col·lecció de documentació sobre els treballs que Emili Gandia va realitzar tant a Empúries com a d?altres indrets de Catalunya, així com també...
Llibre d'exercicis per a estudiants de l'assignatura "Fonaments de física", dels graus d'Enginyeria electrònica, Industrial i Automàtica; Enginyeria mecànica i Enginyeria Química.\n
Aquest llibre recull percepcions, avaluacions i aspiracions que els estudiants de centres educatius de la província de Girona ens han expressat, sobre la seva vida. Presenta els resultats tant quantitatius com qualitatius, dun estudi que ha...
El territori que estudiem en aquest treball a grans trets, lantiga Indigècia amb lafegitó de Blandae degué estar format entre època dAugust i bona part del segle i per quatre entitats urbanes, per...
This manual provides a route for all methodological approaches and statistical techniques applicable to the analysis of survival, focusing on the study of relative survival. The biggest advantage of relative survival is that information is not required...
Este libro comprende dieciocho trabajos de investigación sobre sociolingüística de la variación, lingüística forense, multilingüismo y lengua inglesa. El volumen se completa con dos reseñas y doce laudatio...
This book is designed for introductory courses in statistics and management degrees in business administration, economics, governance, accounting and finance, marketing, human resources and related fields. For the organization of a few degrees, has been...
This book collects the speeches made during the Seminar on Future of Rural Areas Act of Catalonia (Girona, 17 and January 18, 2008) either in paper form, comments or opinions expressed during the general debate between speakers, the public expressly invit...
En la gran producción filosófica de Eusebi Colomer, se pueden distinguir tres grandes centros de interés particularmente destacados. En primer lugar, su dedicación al estudio del pensamiento de Ramon Llull y de Nicolás...
Often we have to pay the price for the fact of not belonging to a specific school of thought or for not being able to be easily identifiable. The danger that faces an independent thinker is that their thinking could go "down the drain", as they...
Friend, amongst others, of Ruyra and of Verdaguer, Turró wrote about questions of psychology and philosophy. He himself said that he was a defender of "critical realism", rigorous in investigation, demanding in method. He defended that...
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