English: "The Montauk Project" chronicles the most amazing and secretive research project in recorded history. Starting with the "Philadelphia Experiment" of 1943, invisibility experiments were conducted aboard the USS Eldridge that...
For over a half century, countless people have suffered severe misadventures after encountering the mysterious legacy of L. Ron Hubbard and his ever puzzling brainchild: Scientology, a subject that continues to intrigue, baffle and perplex the general...
This is Peter Moon's consummate work on Synchronicity. Beginning with a brief scientific description (for the layman) of the quantum universe and how the quantum observer (the spirit) can or does experience the principle of synchronicity, we are taught...
This book presents a phenomenological approach to the field of solid state magnetism. It surveys the various theories and discusses their applicability in different types of materials. The text will be valuable as a text for graduate courses in magnetism...
After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied military commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regimeâs state secrets. The worldâs best intelligence organization was...