Por contra de lo que pueda parecer, las historias fantásticas hablan de nosotros, de nuestros miedos y angustias, de nuestras veladas creencias sobre el más allá o sobre la magia que encierra estar vivo. El ser humano siempre ha busca...
Swedenborg es uno de los más preclaros visionarios de la historia. Él fue el principal exponente en Occidente de la arcana teoría de las correspondencias, que se halla en la base del pensamiento analógico, según el cual...
En El Cielo y el Infierno, Emanuel Swedenborg, hace una descripción de cómo es la vida en el Más Allá, y de los lugares donde viaja el alma al abandonar al cuerpo, con una información detallada sobre como es el despertar...
«La nueva Jerusalén y su doctrina celestial» es una de las diversas obras que Swedenborg publicó a partir de los «Arcanos celestes», verdadero «opus magnum» de su producción, con la intención...
Swedemborg, filósofo y visionario sueco del S. XVIII, constituye unade las figuras más interesantes del iluminismo. En este obra pasa revista a los espíritus que, según sus visiones, pueblan el sistema solar, así como...
Heaven And Its Wonders And Hell: From Things Heard And Seen Translated By John Ager.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improv...
This is Swedenborg's famous Drömbok , translated as Journal of Dreams. It was lost for many years but found in 1849. This English translation was first published in 1918.
Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg experienced dreams and visions in which he was appointed by the Lord to write a heavenly doctrine to reform Christianity. He claimed that the Lord had...
In Divine Providence, Swedenborg explains why it is that we cannot always see Godâs hand in our chaotic world. Why tragedy and war are allowed to happen and how these things relate to us. If God were to remove all tragedies from our live...
The destruction of the world is not meant by the day of the last judgment. Those who have not known the spiritual sense of the Word, have understood that everything in the visible world will be destroyed in the day of the Last Judgment; for it is said,...
In Heaven and Hell, Swedenborg gives the reader a detailed description of the afterlife. He deals with God, heaven, hell, angels, spirits, and devils; and he addresses the issues of who is in heaven and hell. Are there any Jews, Muslims, and people of...
In Divine Love and Wisdom, Swedenborg uses reason and empirical facts to prove the existence of God and Godâs divine love. He further posits that we are all an essential part of Godâs Divine plan, and that without us...
The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine is a wonderful introduction to the beliefs of the New Church and an overview of its theological foundations. Here Emanuel Swedenborg discusses faith, love, goodness and truth, heaven and hell, divine providence,...