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Libros de Gary Armstrong

  • 85,28€ 81,02€
  • Marketinaren Oinarriak

    • 908 páginas
    • Marketina oso alor garrantzitsua da gaur egun. Diziplina dinamikoa eta zirraragarria da, gai ugari hartzen dituena: bezeroekin harreman errentagarriak kudeatzea, merkatuak eta kontsumitzaileak ulertzea, marketin-mixaren lau elementuetan erabakiak hartzea,...
    65,00€ 61,75€
  • Introducción Al Marketing

    • 504 páginas
    • El texto lo van a adaptar los coordinadores de la asignatura de Marketing en ESIC, María Jesús Merino y José María Juan para conseguir un texto a la medida de los planes de estudio de los nuevos Grados.
    58,35€ 55,44€
  • Principios De Marketing

    • 880 páginas
    • Cómo crear valor para el cliente y para la empresa empleando tanto las herramientas tradicionales del márketing como las nuevas y entendiendo que la creación de valor no se circunscribe únicamente al departamento de márk...
    85,28€ 81,02€
  • 87,52€ 83,14€
  • Power Plays: The Projection Of Hard And Soft Power In Sport

    • Sources of power in political processes are often reduced to the dualism of 'hard' and 'soft'..
    28,75€ 27,31€
  • Entering The Field: New Perspectives On World Football

    • As the 1994 World Cup Finals in the United States clearly demonstrated, football is the..
    63,73€ 60,54€
  • Football In Africa

    • 301 páginas
    • This groundbreaking collection provides the first detailed social analysis of football within Africa. The book features case-study essays that draw heavily on detailed fieldwork to examine the distinctive football cultures that have grown up in African...
    55,63€ 52,85€
  • The Scientific Metaphysics Of C.s. Peirce

    • Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) was, perhaps, first and foremost a practising or experimental..
    27,07€ 25,72€
  • Football Hooligans

    • 320 páginas
    • Examines how groups of young male fans come to be identified as football 'hooligans, and challenges the assumption that violence is wholly central to the match-day experience for these supporters. This book is for undergraduates of social anthropology,...
    56,95€ 54,10€