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Libros de McKenzie Wark

  • La Playa Bajo Los Adoquines

    • 280 páginas
    • Más de cincuenta años después de la aparición de Situationist International, su legado continúa inspirando a activistas, artistas y teóricos de todo el mundo. Tal leyenda se ha acumulado a este movimiento que la...
    18,90€ 17,96€
  • 18,35€ 17,43€
  • Maitasuna Eta Dirua, Sexua Eta Heriotza

    • 240 páginas
    • Ibilbide arrakastatsu baten eta hogei urteko ezkonaldi baten ostean, bi seme-alabekin, McKenzie Wark-ek bizitza erdialdeko krisi sakon bat izan zuen: emakume trans gisa atera zen armairutik. Gizartean zuen rola eta gorputzaren itxura aldatzean munduarekin...
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • Vaquera Invertida

    • 240 páginas
    20,00€ 19,00€
  • Leaving The Twentieth Century: Situationist Revolutions

    • 416 páginas
    • The Situationist International, which leaped to the fore during the Paris tumult of 1968, has extended its revolutionary influence right up to the present day. In Leaving the Twentieth Century , the movement is captured for the first time in its full rang...
    25,76€ 24,47€
  • Reverse Cowgirl

    • 200 páginas
    • What if you were trans and didn't know it? What if there were some hole in your life and you didn't even know it was there? What if you went through life not knowing why you only felt at home in your body at peak moments of drugs and sex? What...
    16,70€ 15,87€
  • 17,00€ 16,15€
  • Raving

    • 149 páginas
    • What is an art of life for what feels like the end of a world? In Raving McKenzie Wark takes readers into the undisclosed locations of New York’s thriving underground queer and trans rave scene. Techno, first and always a Black music,...
    14,97€ 14,22€
  • Philosophy For Spiders

    • It’s time to recognize Kathy Acker as one of the great postwar American writers. Over the decades readers have found a punk Acker, a feminist Acker, a queer Acker, a kink Acker, and an avant-garde Acker. In Philosophy for Spiders , McKen...
    128,28€ 121,87€
  • Philosophy For Spiders

    • 212 páginas
    • It’s time to recognize Kathy Acker as one of the great postwar American writers. Over the decades readers have found a punk Acker, a feminist Acker, a queer Acker, a kink Acker, and an avant-garde Acker. In Philosophy for Spiders , McKen...
    20,22€ 19,21€
  • Molecular Red: Theory For The Anthropocene

    • 304 páginas
    • In Molecular Red , McKenzie Wark creates philosophical tools for the Anthropocene, our new planetary epoch, in which human and natural forces are so entwined that the future of one determines that of the other.
    33,80€ 32,11€
  • The Beach Beneath The Street: The Everyday Life And Glorious Times Of The Situationist International

    • Over fifty years after the Situationist International appeared, its legacy continues to inspire..
    24,13€ 22,92€
  • I'm Very Into You: Correspondence 1995--1996

    • The tempestuous email correspondence between Kathy Acker and McKenzie Wark, shimmering with..
    14,46€ 13,73€
  • Telesthesia

    • 224 páginas
    62,17€ 59,06€
  • A Hacker Manifesto

    • 208 páginas
    • "A Hacker Manifesto" deftly defines the fraught territory between the ever more strident demands by drug and media companies for protection of their patents and copyrights and the pervasive popular culture of file sharing and pirating.
    31,44€ 29,87€
  • Virtual Geography

    • 256 páginas
    • "The author's capacity to grasp and interpret these world media] events is astounding, and her..
    19,79€ 18,80€