En el cuarto y último volumen de Pies descalzos, Gen y sus amigos no se dejan vencer por las circunstancias y están a punto de forjarse un futuro mejor.
Han pasado casi dos años desde que estalló la bomba atómica y Japón vive bajo la ocupación militar estadounidense. Mientras los soldados patrullan, en las calles de Hiroshima aún se pueden oír los gemidos...
Miedo, muertey destrucción: regresa en una nueva edición el clásico de culto Pies descalzos , una oda a todos los supervivientes del bombardeo de Hiroshima.
Barefoot Gen Volume Eight â"Merchants of Death" â It's 1950 and Gen is now in middle school, where he meets both a progressive-minded schoolteacher at odds with his conservative superiors, and a brilliant...
In this graphic depiction of nuclear devastation, three survivors of the bombing of Hiroshima--Gen, his mother, and his baby sister--face rejection, hunger, and humiliation in their search for a place to live.
In this graphic depiction of nuclear devastation, three survivors of the bombing of Hiroshima--Gen, his mother, and his baby sister--face rejection, hunger, and humiliation in their search for a place to live.
"The danger posed by nuclear weapons is as great as ever, yet few people survive who witnessed their horror. Nakazawa's manga illustrates the true impact of nuclear weapons when used against a civilian population. It is vital reading for people...