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Libros de Brian James Williams

  • Terminal

    • 448 páginas
    • Los styx y sus temibles y letales ejércitos han arrasado toda la superficie de Inglaterra, dejando muerte y desolación en su camino. Parecería que nada puede detenerlo y que sólo un milagro podría salvar a la humanidad....
    16,00€ 15,20€
  • Espiral

    • 448 páginas
    • De regreso en la superficie de la Tierra, Will y sus amigos están escondidos en un lugar seguro, entrenándose bajo la atenta mirada del padre de Drake y preparando un plan de ataque para la guerra que se avecina. Pero ese intervalo de paz...
    5,95€ 5,65€
  • El Perquè De Les Coses

    • 308 páginas
    • El perquè de les coses és la forma més directa i entretinguda perquè els joves lectors accedeixin a coneixements i dades relatives d'un ampli ventall de temes. El llibre dóna resposta a una enorme varietat de preguntes,...
    5,99€ 5,69€
  • 1000 Preguntes I Respostes

    • 308 páginas
    • 1.000 preguntes i respostes és la forma més directa i entretinguda perquè els joves lectors accedeixin a coneixements i dades relatives d'un ampli ventall de temes. El llibre dóna resposta a una enorme varietat de preguntes,...
    5,99€ 5,69€
  • Túnels. Al Límit

    • 504 páginas
    • Al centre de la terra, en un univers desconegut per tothom, en Will es troba en dificultats. Els seus enemics, els estigis, l'empaiten. El perseguiran fins a la fi del món.. de qualsevol món, si cal.Mentrestant, en Drake, amb l'ajuda...
    9,95€ 9,46€
  • Caiguda Lliure

    • 576 páginas
    • En Chester ha sobreviscut a la caiguda al fons de l'abisme i, amb l'ajuda d'en Will, segueix buscant el seu pare adoptiu, el doctor Burrows. Però els espera un llarg camí ple d'obstacles: plantes carnívores gegants,...
    9,95€ 9,46€
  • Attack On America 11 September 2001

    • This title relates the events of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers
    8,52€ 8,09€
  • 6,62€ 6,29€
  • The Walk Of Faith Journals: Building Your Faith Daily

    • "The Walk of Faith Journal" is Volume 4 of a four-volume set. Each volume covers three different
    16,02€ 15,22€
  • Overcoming Anxiety And Fear: A Simple Guide On How To Win Over Your Fears

    • Our world is filled with fearful hearts and minds. Every statistic related anxiety is extremely..
    13,66€ 12,97€
  • 14,00€ 13,30€
  • A Healing Touch

    • The last thing Kaedan remembered was being attacked in his portal with his wife Maleah. Now he..
    16,10€ 15,29€
  • Faith Vs. Fear

    • Choose this day which way you will walk in the circumstances that you may be faced with today: Faith or Fear. This is a decision that we make every day without even thinking about it. Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that somet...
    9,66€ 9,18€
  • Race, Policing, And Public Governance

    • 75 páginas
    • I can't breathe .. a haunting phrase moaned at the intersection of past and present, serving as an audible supplement to the visual evidence to yet another collision of race and policing. This phrase reflects the current state of police-community relation...
    24,06€ 22,85€
  • The Cabin

    • Kristoff, a gatekeeper from Atlantis, has lived among humans for a very long time without finding his destined mate. He needs her power in order to open the gate. He had felt the moment she was born into the world, and now that she has matured into an...
    11,25€ 10,69€
  • The Philosophy Of Coffee

    • This is a short, entertaining, and illuminating introduction to the history and culture of coffee,..
    16,43€ 15,61€
  • The Ultimate Sales Messaging System: The 6-step System To Clarify Your Sales Message Or Presentation

    • SALES. Love it or hate it, if you're in a business or technology company of any kind, selling is
    14,46€ 13,73€
  • Kindness Ninja: Recruiting The Team

    • 60 páginas
    • For centuries, a secret society of highly trained ninjas have been going out into their communities spreading kindness. Now, they have asked Brian, a freckled blonde haired 8-year-old to become a part of their secret society. Brian recruits Anna and Sam...
    9,64€ 9,16€
  • Home For A Tiger, Home For A Bear

    • 32 páginas
    • "The younger set will appreciate the book's soothing rhythm and sun-drenched, playful art.. Nature-loving readers will enjoy this quick mini-safari to habitats around the globe" -- Publishers Weekly Every animal has a place it can rest, play...
    8,37€ 7,95€
  • 1968: Those Were The Days

    • 192 páginas
    • A compendium of milestone stories and watershed events in popular culture, politics and news at home and abroad from 1968, including: Assassination of Martin Luther King; Bobby Kennedy shot and killed; The Beatles found Apple Records; Manchester Unit
    15,04€ 14,29€