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Libros de Carlos Heras

  • Entre Mundos. Una Autobiografía

    • 416 páginas
    • «Pequeño Azul y Pequeño Amarillo» (1959), «Nadarín» (1963),. «Frederick» (1967)? el proceso creativo de libros tan emblemáticos. en la historia de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil está...
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • 18,50€ 17,58€
  • 18,50€ 17,58€
  • Cándido And Everybody Else

    • 48 páginas
    • We?re all different. And this is how Cándido is presented to us: a peculiar person with a great need to express himself. to the world around him, to be understood and accepted. Rarely has such an apparently simple text promoted such. a profound...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Antoni Gaudí

    • 36 páginas
    • This is a short illustrated biography on the life and work of the great Modernist architect, who found his inspiration in nature. A book which, in the same way as a tourist guide, invites us to visit his most symbolic buildings in the city of Barcelona....
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • The Red Ladder

    • 36 páginas
    • An ingenious bird and rabbit are the main characters of "The red ladder", a fun book for early readers with vibrant, figurative images and simple storyline. Part of the story is accumulative, as it enumerates actions and elements that are repeated...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Whose Is That Creepy-crawly?

    • 26 páginas
    • Seen from a distance, all creepy-crawlies look alike. But, if you take a closer look, you'll find that..
    12,00€ 11,40€