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Libros de Lars Svensson

  • Guia D'ocells: Europa I Regió Mediterrània

    • 448 páginas
    • Guia de camp exhaustiva sobre totes les espècies d'ocells que es poden veure a Espanya, a la resta d'Europa, al nord d'Àfrica i a gran part del Pròxim Orient. Es tracten unes 900 espècies amb un ordre sistemàtic...
    55,70€ 52,92€
  • Swedish

    • First, we’ll go over Pronunciation, Greetings, and goodbyes. After that, we’ll take a look at some common phrases and questions. In chapter three, you’ll learn how to count in Swedish. Then after that,...
    28,04€ 26,64€
  • Handbook Of Western Palearctic Birds

    • 1270 páginas
    • This handbook is the most complete and comprehensive photographic guide to the passerines of the Western Palearctic. Written by two of the world's most respected ornithologists, Hadoram Shirihai and Lars Svensson, it contains the most up-to-date informati...
    189,05€ 179,60€
  • Vogelstimmen

    • 256 páginas
    43,74€ 41,56€
  • Integrated Circuit And System Design

    • Welcome to the proceedings of PATMOS 2008, the 18th in a series of int- national workshops. PATMOS 2008 was organized by INESC-ID / IST - TU Lisbon, Portugal, with sponsorship by Cadence, IBM, Chipidea, and Tecmic, and technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE...
    65,40€ 62,13€