Jaume Serra Húnter (Manresa, 1878 - Cuernava, 1943) is a very remarkable public figure in modern Catalan history. During the turbulent 1930s, he held important posts both in the academic sphere (dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, rector...
When you enter the Sant Jordi Hall of the Palau de la Generalitat, if you raise your head, it is very likely that the first figure you see painted on the ceiling is that of Balmes. There are also those of Torras y Bages (opposite to the one of Balmes),...
Pujols «és el filòsof que necessita descobrir la joventut del món. I tan bon punt el descobreixi, es deixarà de LSD i altres al·lucinògens». I és que, segons anunciava Dalí amb grandiloq&...
Pere Coromines was an eminently polyhedral character: he actively participated in social movements, held highly prominent political and institutional positions, wrote literature, was a fief economist, lawyer, cultural manager, etc. The success that he...